Sunday 9 August 2009

Guy "D"

Lai met "D" on gaydar, then they chatted on msn for quite a few months. At that time, Lai tried to recover from breaking up with "I", "D" just broke up with his long time partner as well . So they have a lot to talk about. "D" is a very fit Italian guy. His profile is full of professional pictures. "D" told Lai he used to be a model and he does acting as well. Soon they set up a date to meet up.

When they finally meet up for coffee, "D" suddenly said, "I know "I" ,we used to be friends, we even had 3p before.. ", "What?"Lai was shocked, what a small world.

told Lai a lot about "I" . Yes, "I" used to hangout around gay scene a lot, but then he suddenly disappeared, nobody knows why, they have not seen him for quite a while., bla blabla... As a lot of detail were matched , Lai know "D" did not lie.

"D" lives in a council flat, there are many nude male pictures hanging on the wall. "Who is this?" Lai asked, pointed to one picture, "Oh, that is me, 10 years ago", Dan laughed. "I used to be a model". "D" showed Lai a lot of pictures, most for calendar, postcard, magazine etc. full of his pictures. One of them made Lai laugh, "Best butt of 1993", that cover basically is "D"'s butt in a Levis jean,"See, this is my name"."D" pointed out the small print underneath the picture proudly.

"D" is a very experienced gay man, in and out of relationships, he just got divorced from his partner recently. To Lai's surprise, "D" seems does not work, every time Lai visited him, they got up at late morning, then went to a park after brunch, it felt great when you lying on the grassland enjoy the sunshine, but you cannot do that everyday, can you? It is totally different experience from "I", as "I" can not sit down for one minute, he has to do something, to some extent, this did motivate Lai in many ways. Lai learned a lot from "I", he respect people like "I".

However, with "D", things are totally opposite. Everything is in slow monition. Soon Lai found out, as "D" getting older, he can not get enough jobs as model and actor as before, thus he struggle about his finance. But he refused to do any normal jobs, which Lai can not understand. Gradually "D" told Lai a lot, his real age is 44, which really shocked Lai, as "D" look like a 25 years old, "How did you manage that?" "No idea, i think it is genetic, all my friends call me 'Peter Pan'". "D" not only did modeling, he used to be a stripper as well, and he even did gay porn. Lai is stunned. He did not think he will go out with "D" if he know this beforehand. As Lai really look down on guys who sell their bodies. If a girl did that, he might understand, she need to survive. But how can a man do that? "I would rather clean a toilet." Lai commented. "Yeah, there are a lot of reasons, you just have not been there yet." "D" seems quite proud of his experience, he even showed Lai a private tape which features one of his ex, a now famous Falcon gay porn star send to him as a gift.

But this experience did change some ideas for Lai, he know "D" is a nice fellow, although a lot happened before, deep down he is very romantic, dying for his Mr. Right. Physically, Lai does like "D" and the sex is great. Actually, Lai should thank "D" for boost his confidence. As Lai always worried that oriental guys normal do not have big tool as white guys, someone so experienced like "D" should be difficult to be pleased sexually. However, once in bed, things are totally out of expectation, "D" has to beg him to stop," i can not take it any longer.. ""D" complained, "My arse is broken," "How come? you slept with some big guys i think.." "yeah, i know, but i can not take it so long, it is already 45 minutes now, it does not feel pleasure any more. Please give me a break, you horny rabbit!". Lai smiled, he was quite pleased about the nickname.

However, only physical attraction is not enough in a relationship, there is something missing. Lai really did not like the way "D" live his life, way too negative. Meanwhile, there are many small things bother him as well.

When they just knew each other for a few weeks, "D" walked him off to the train station. "D" wanted Lai to kiss him in the public. Lai refused, " I can not do that, even when i was with my girl friend, i can not do that. I do not want public attention". "Yes, but i am Italian, we are full of passion". "That is right, but i am Chinese, we do not like to show off our emotion, if i love someone, why i have to show it to public? there are tons of ways to prove my love".

Anyway, argue like this happened a lot. when they were sitting in park, "D" want to take some pictures, so he asked Lai to take off the top, thus everyone were staring these two naked muscle man cuddling in a park. Consider Lai just accepted his sexuality, as a natural shy person, this does made him uncomfortable. He did all "D" want, but he just feel awkward.

Soon these kind of argue happened more and more, finally Lai think he had enough, they broke up. "I do not know why you are so attached to "I", i am far better looking than him","D" said. Well, Lai can not explain, but to some extent, Lai feel relived, it is finally over.

A few years later, when Lai was updating his msn profile pictures, he suddenly got msg from "D", maybe those half naked sexy pictures caught his attention. However, all Lai want to do it is be polite and say hello.

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